Year 4 Term 1
August to December
Last updated
3 January 2025 at 12:28:16
Ancient Civilisations 📜
Maths 🧮
Place Value
Represent numbers to 1,000
Partition numbers to 1,000
Number line to 1,000
Represent numbers to 10,000
Partition numbers to 10,000
Flexible partitioning of numbers to 10,000
Find 1, 10, 100, 1,000 more or less
Number line to 10,000
Estimate on a number line to 10,000
Compare numbers to 10,000
Order numbers to 10,000
Roman numerals
Round to the nearest 10
Round to the nearest 100
Round to the nearest 1,000
Round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000
Addition and subtraction
Add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000s
Add up to two 4-digit numbers - no exchange
Add two 4-digit numbers - one exchange
Add two 4-digit numbers - more than one exchange
Subtract two 4-digit numbers - no exchange
Subtract two 4-digit numbers - one exchange
Subtract two 4-digit numbers - more than one exchange
Efficient subtraction
Estimate answers
Checking strategies
What is area?
Count squares
Make shapes
Compare areas
Multiplication and division
Multiples of 3
Multiply and divide by 6
6 times-table and division facts
Multiply and divide by 9
9 times-table and division facts
The 3, 6 and 9 times-tables
Multiply and divide by 7
7 times-tables and division facts
11 times-table and division facts
12 times-table and division facts
Multiply by 1 and 0
Divide a number by 1 and itself
Multiply three numbers
Towards the end of Term 1, all students are invited to take part in Barvember Maths challenges. Find out more here.
Science 🧬
Group and classify living things (Biology)
Group animals
Vertebrates and invertebrates
Classification keys (animals)
Group plants
Classification kets (plants)
Data collection (Biology)
Data collection
Analyse data
States of matter (Chemistry)
Explore solids, liquids and gases
Think differently - solids, liquids and gases
Change states
Use equipment
Plan - melting experiment
Investigate - melting experiment
The water cycle
Plan - evaporation experiment
Investigate - evaporation experiment
Evaluate - evaporation experiment
Reading 📖
Beats of Olympus: Beast Keeper
Author: Lucy Coats Illustrator: David Roberts
Demon is chatting to the chickens when his dad arrives. Demon has never met Pan before, so the goat-legged, curly-horned, yellow-eyed god, ruler of all forests and wild creatures, is quite a surprise. Pan takes Demon to Mount Olympus by magic rainbow and installs him in the stinky Stables of the Gods as trainee stable boy.
Finding a new skin for the Nemean Lion is just one of Demon's dangerous assignments but when Hera commands him to bring her pet Hydra back to life, Demon is flummoxed. None of his magic helps to revitalise the Hydra's nine severed heads…
A funny, accessible, adventurous introduction to characters and stories from ancient Greece, starring an endearing hero faced with impossible tasks.
Reading age: 8+
Writing ✍️
Narratives and retellings written in the first or third person
Narratives or retellings written in the past tense occasionally in the present tense
Events sequenced to create chronological plots using adverbials
Descriptions of settings are developed
Dialogue begins to be developed to convey a characters thoughts and move the narrative forward
Developed language choices
Use finger spaces
Use capital letters for the sentence starters
Use capital letters for names
Use capital for I
Use full stops for statements
Use question marks for questions
Use exclamation marks for commands
Use speech
Fully punctuate speech
Use a wide range of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
Use present and past tense including progressive
Use nouns and pronouns to avoid repetition
Use correct form of a or an
Form comparatives and superlatives
Use fronted adverbial phrases to say how, where or when
Playscript: Fables
Events sequenced in chronological order
Dialogue begins to be developed to convey a character’s thoughts and move the narrative forward
Fronted adverbials: soon, meanwhile, as, carefully, without a thought, after a moment etc.
Commas after fronted adverbials
Include a cast list
May include a narrator
Dialogue used with no speech marks
Start a new line with each speaker
May include stage directions
Across the curriculum 🕰️ 🎨 ⌨️
Ancient Greeks
Ancient Civilisations
Ancient times; a study of life and achievements of an ancient civilisation and their influence on other civilisations
Devise historically valid questions
Study of an aspect of history that expands chronological knowledge
Art & Design Technology
Learn about the history and significance of Greek pottery
Create initial sketches of Greek pottery designs
Construct pottery pieces using clay
Ensure designs incorporate aspects of ancient Greek styles
Evaluate pottery based on appearance, functionality, and historical accuracy
Reflect on the design process and final products
Creating a digital learning journal
Minecraft Education: Building Civilisations
Languages 💬
All students have access to one of the following languages:
Malay (local) 🇧🇳
Malay (for non-native learners) 🇧🇳
Mandarin 🇨🇳
French 🇫🇷
English as and additional language (EAL) 🌏
Language Concepts refers to the application of language concepts.
Expressing the language in oral and/or written communication
Creating projects to showcase language learning
Showing sound grammar understanding through written work
Applying a range of language skills to perform role play
Interpreting authentic materials
Language Acquisition refers to assimilating and retention of language learning.
Understanding the grammatical structure
Knowing and using correct syntax
Being able to self-assess and peer check
Building vocabulary in the target language
Recognising and/or decoding a wide array of materials
PE & Sport 🏐 🏊 🥅 ⚾️ 👟
All students have a comprehensive PE and Sport programme. Lessons are scheduled on rotation to ensure all students progress in the following areas:
Physical literacy
Tee Ball
Indoor Games
Outdoor Games
Striking and Fielding
Tag Rugby
Invasion Games
Health and Wellbeing
Net Games
Fundamental movement skills
✋ Hands refers to physical ability and performance.
Having appropriate fitness levels to complete the lesson
Showing sound technique when learning skills/actions
Applying a range of skills
Performing under pressure i.e. applying skills to the game
👤 Head refers to knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Understanding the rules and regulations
Being able to feedback to peers
Solving problems
Understanding relevant tactics
♥️ Heart refers to the effort put into each and every PE lesson.
Taking and active part in the whole lesson
Always bringing PE/swimming kit
Showing sportsmanship and respect
Showing resilience and confidence
Music 🎶