恭喜发财 Gong Xi Fa Cai. 新年快乐 Happy New Year.
Wishing the entire ISB community a very 龙年快乐 Happy Year of Dragon and 吉祥如意 – Ji Xiang Ru Yi (Good Fortune).
We are delighted to be celebrating Chinese New Year across the school this week. The performances in the Theatre were exceptional and it was fantastic to welcome parents to join the festivities. We have also been very fortunate to have the lion dancers in classrooms, updates will be posted to Seesaw.
Our Chinese New Year celebrations have been a joyous occasion filled with traditional performances, delightful activities, and delicious treats. These events not only offer an opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and knowledge about Chinese culture but also allow the community to come together and participate in the festivities.
Look out for the dragon in the Friendship Circle next week.... 🐉

Parent-Teacher Consultations 💬
As we approach our upcoming Parent-Teacher Consultations, I wanted to take a moment to emphasise the significance of these sessions and why your participation is invaluable to your child's education.
Parent-Teacher Consultations serve as a vital bridge between home and school, fostering collaboration and open communication between you, as parents, and us, as educators. They provide an insight into your child's progress, with an opportunity to gain valuable insights into your child's academic progress, strengths, and areas for development. Parent-Teacher Consultations are also vital in building a supportive partnership, creating a nurturing learning environment that encourages academic growth and personal development.
Parent-Teacher Consultations will take place on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th March 2024. Parents (Reception to Year 6) can now book their 15 minute appointment with the class teacher using EduLink. For Pre Kindy and Kindy families, please look out for the appointment sign up sheet next week. If you require assistance to access EduLink, please do not hesitate to message within Seesaw.
To read more about how we report to parents, please click on the icons below. These represent attainment, progress and achievement, the key components of our reporting cycle.
Year 6 International Residential ⛺️
We are committed to providing enriching and transformative experiences for students, we are excited to share that our Yr6 students will be embarking on an international residential in Malaysia next week. These opportunities offer invaluable benefits that extend far beyond the classroom, shaping a child's personal growth, cultural understanding, and global awareness. We can't wait to hear all about these experiences when students and staff return later next week. A special thank you to Mr Hick and the Yr6 team for planning and coordinating such an incredible opportunity. 👏
School Photos 📸
Save the dates! Your child's class photo will be taken on the Monday, 19th February & 26th February and Wednesday, 21st Feb 2024. We have attached a schedule that is specific for your child's class to a message in Seesaw.
New Staff Welcome 👋
I would like to formally welcome Katarina Matic to ISB. Ms Katarina has joined ISB as Head of Inclusion (Primary) and has been very busy over the last couple of weeks getting to know individual students and meeting with staff. As an inclusive school, it is vital staff have the skills, experience and expertise to have a positive impact on learning outcomes for all students.
It's been a busy week... 🤩
This week Pre Kindy have enjoyed 'listening walks' and exploring the forest classroom, Kindy have been playing traditional games, Reception have been using digital magnifying glasses, Year 1 have been writing about their favourite toys, Year 2 have been dividing by three, Year 3 have been writing dragon fact files, Year 4 have been sharing their incredible inventions, Year 5 have been using calligraphy, and Year 6 have been analysing advertising techniques.
National Day Celebrations 🇧🇳
As Brunei looks forward to celebrating the 40th National Day, preparations are underway to mark this very special occasion. More details to follow next week...
If you have any questions about any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to message me in Seesaw.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary

🗓️ Friday 23rd February - Public Holiday National Day.
🗓️ Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th March - Parent Teacher Consultations.
🗓️ Monday 11th March - Public Holiday TBC.
🗓️ Friday 15th March - Last day of Term 2.