Term 3 has started on a very positive note, with students across the school engaging in a variety of educational activities from hands-on experiments, group discussions, creative expressions, and problem solving. Together we are cultivating essential knowledge and skills that students need to succeed in academic and real-world settings.
Sharing information with parents is an important aspect of school life. In doing so, we aim to create a culture of transparency and trust. Sharing detailed information helps ensure that parents and school are on the same page regarding expectations for academic achievement and overall progress. This alignment fosters a collaborative relationship between parents and teachers, where we can work together to support each individual student's growth and development.
By keeping parents informed and involved, we can cultivate a sense of community and belonging. Overall, sharing detailed information with parents is essential for promoting collaboration, supporting student success, and fostering a positive school-home partnership that benefits everyone involved.
We have already shared detailed information relating to key aspects of our curriculum. From our Mastery Maths approach, to the importance of learning to read, to our ethos of teaching writing, to thinking scientifically, to wellbeing, our advice for parents on how to help at home, and our expanding Brunei History & Culture curriculum, our aim is to ensure information is readily available to the whole ISB community.
In order to further enhance the information available to parents, we are now also building out more specific information for each year group. We are launching our new curriculum pages on the Primary Newsfeed, with term-by-term updates and curriculum objectives. The hope is that this information will be beneficial for parents and will provide a greater level of context to what is happening in school and when.
This is a work in progress and updates will follow, but for now, please take a look at the overviews for Term 3, alongside more detailed information about individual curriculum areas and our approaches.
With this information, parents have the opportunity for a 'deep dive' into any aspect of our curriculum. We know that this is a lot of information, but I hope it is presented in a way parents find accessible and useful.
Share Your Story... 🎙️
A reminder that we are on the lookout for a small number of students with Star Quality 🤩. Is that you?
This is a fantastic opportunity to share your story with the whole world via Spotify, Google and Apple Podcasts. You have the option to create and record your own original story or you can share a story that represents your culture or home country. Perhaps your favourite short story by your favourite author, from any country or in any language. Or maybe a traditional tale celebrating your heritage. The choice is yours...
Applications close in a couple of weeks, so don't delay and apply now using the link below.
Calendar Updates 🗓️
This is an incredibly busy time of the year, with lots going on. I have listed below the main events taking place over the next few weeks so that parents can fill in their diaries. Please also note that we will make an announcement on Tuesday 9th April regarding the school closure for Hari Raya.
✅ If the moon is sighted on Tuesday 9th April: School will be closed on Wednesday 10th April to Friday 12th April. School will be open on Monday 15th April.
❌ If the moon is not sighted on Tuesday 9th April: School will be open on Wednesday 10th April and then closed on Thursday 11th April until Monday 15th April. School will open on Tuesday 16th April.
There will be a message in Seesaw to confirm.
It's been a busy week... 🤩
This week six students have Gone Green in Times Tables Rock Stars, Year 6 have been modifying aspects of the school campus, Year 5 have been writing collaboratively, Year 4 have been learning about digestion, Year 3 have been shading, hatching and stippling with their pencils, Year 2 have been writing information texts, Year 1 have been recognising equal groups, Reception have been subitising (the ability to look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them), Kindy have been exploring sensory cloud dough and Pre Kindy have been in the library and taking selfies. 🤳
If you have any questions about any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to message me in Seesaw.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary

🗓️ Friday 19th April: ECO Week non-uniform Day (wear green)
🗓️ Friday 26th April: Hari Raya Assemblies (parents of performers invited)
🗓️ Friday 26th April: Whole School Hari Raya celebrations (non-uniform)
🗓️ Tuesday 30th April: BJSL Swim Gala (invited students will be notified)
🗓️ Friday 3rd May: Year 1 Assembly
🗓️ Friday 10th May: Primary Music Showcase 🎶 (Yr1 to Yr6)
🗓️ Friday 17th May: Year 2 Assembly
🗓️ Friday 24th May: Celebration of Learning (open morning)
🗓️ Friday 24th May: Reception Concert
🗓️ Friday 7th June: Swim Gala Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
🗓️ Tuesday 11th June: BJSL Tag Rugby & Netball (BJSL Squad)
🗓️ Friday 14th June: Yr6 Ceremony
🗓️ Friday 21st June: Swim Gala Year 3 to Year 6
🗓️ Friday 28th June: Year 5 Young Entrepreneurs Assembly
🗓️ Friday 5th July: Last day of term