A wonderful week comes to an end with a fantastic celebration of our young entrepreneurs in Year 5. As a year group, they worked in teams, conducted market research, created websites, baked cakes and presented to a large audience. We were all so very impressed with their confidence and creativity, congratulations to all involved. 👏 👏
Some of our youngest students have been out and about this week, visits have taken place to Jerudong Park and we know that everyone had an amazing time. As part of the transition into the next academic year, staff from the year group above also accompanied students on their excursions. This is a wonderful way for staff to get to know their new cohort in preparation for August.
This week, we also welcomed parents to various introduction presentations. We know that parents really value the information and opportunity to spend time with staff. Our aim is to ensure every child experiences a seamless learning journey, with a smooth transition from one year to the next.
Reporting to Parents ✅
Class teachers have uploaded data reports into Seesaw, alongside personalised video reviews. I hope that parents and students have found these to be informative. Maintaining a strong home - school partnership is vital in ensuring positive outcomes for all students. If you have any questions about this information or process, please do not hesitate to message in Seesaw. You can also learn more here...
It's been a busy week... 🤩
This week Pre Kindy have been making an obstacle course, Kindy have been planting trees, Reception have been out at the park, Year 1 have been wet and wild, Year 2 have been working with money, Year 3 have been publishing their writing, Year 4 have been reviewing the books they have read, Year 5 have been completing their projects, and Year 6 have had lots of lessons in Secondary.
Our Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) programme has now come to end end for this term. Information will be shared about the programme for Term 1 with parents through Seesaw.
We know that plans are being made for the end of year break, with many families travelling and visiting relatives. Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We have just one week to go...
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary