This week, I would like to shine a spotlight on Science. Across Primary we ensure children develop scientific understanding and grasp scientific ideas. Our intent is to create a 'buzz' around Science, creating a culture in which all students experiment, take risks and are creative within their Science learning. There is dedicated time within our broad and balance curriculum for practical and hands-on Science lessons across each week.
Through experiment, practice and discussion, students gain core knowledge around:
Scientific vocabulary
‘Working scientifically’ skills including systematic and careful observations and following practical scientific methods
The gathering and interpretation of straightforward scientific evidence
The use of everyday materials and scientific equipment to solve science problems
Articulating scientific concepts and using five types of science enquiries
This year, one of our Key Priorities is Thinking Scientifically. We are incredibly fortunate to have Mr Alex Poad leading an education research and innovation project with the aim of ensuring world-class teaching, learning and assessment in Science throughout Primary. I look forward to sharing more details as the year progresses.
Interested in experimenting at home? Check out this special series produced for ISB students of all ages to enjoy with their families. 👩🔬 👨🔬
Parent - Teacher Consultations 🗣️
We look forward to welcoming all parents for Parent - Teacher Consultations taking place in Week 9, Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October. Each parent can use EduLink to book an appointment with their child's class teacher now (Rec to Yr6). During the meeting, parents will gain an insight into how their child has settled into the new school year. Teachers will also share notable achievements and provide families with next steps and ways to help at home. There will also be an opportunity to discuss both attainment and progress. Look out for more information within Seesaw, including detailed instructions of how to make your appointment. Parents in Pre Kindy and Kindy, your sign up will be available at drop off / pick up.
It's been a busy couple of weeks... 🤩
Over the last couple of weeks, Pre Kindy have been in the sports hall for a run 🏃♂️ and have been on a hunt across the campus for different shapes. Kindy have been using tongs to develop fine motor skills and have taken a giant dice 🎲 outside for a new counting game. Reception have been experimenting with magnetic and non-magnetic items 🧲 and have been subitising, developing their ability to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many there are without needing to count.
Year 1 have been matching quantities with their respective numerals and have been writing sentences ✍️ independently. Year 2 have been categorising animals 🐞 and have been consolidating their knowledge of number bonds. Year 3 have been creating instructions of how they brush their teeth 🪥 and have written an information text all about frogs 🐸. Year 4 have been out into the jungle on a hunt for vertebrates and invertebrates. They have also been learning how to avoid 'clickbait' 👩💻 in their Computing lessons.
Year 5 have been investigating friction with various road surfaces 🚙 and have experimented with a variety of painting techniques 🎨. Year 6 have been exploring poles, hemispheres and lines of longitude and latitude in Geography 🌎. They have also been using figurative language in their writing after a visit to our jungle classroom.

Opportunity for student leadership is a part of what ensures everyone excels at ISB. We are extremely proud of our House Captains: Annie, Hana, Hoy Lam, Jai, Livvy, Minaal, Salma and Sam who have recently combined with the Student Council to make a video relating to school rules.
Our House Captains lead one of four Houses: Beruang 🟡, Sangang 🔵, Ingkat 🔴 and Penyu 🟢. Students compete throughout the year for House Points. Currently, there is merely a slender lead for one house, click below to see the live scores.

We are now also looking for a new group of Lunchtime Rangers to join the team and create even more fun across lunch times. Students in Year 3 to Year 6, look out for the message in Seesaw with full details of how to submit an application.
In the coming weeks, we will be looking for more Student Council members. More information coming soon...
If you would like more detailed information relating to anything referenced in this message, please do not hesitate to message in Seesaw.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary