Previous weekly messages have focused on individual aspects of our broad and balanced curriculum. This week, the spotlight is on one of our 🔗Key Priority areas: Brunei History and Culture. Our aim is for all ISB students to have a detailed understanding of the history and culture of Brunei, whether that be their home or host country. This year, we are extremely fortunate that Pg H Dara Naqiah PPN Pg Hj Omar (Dk Honey) is leading an education research project with precisely this aim.

Over recent weeks and months, DK Honey has liaised with Legislative Council Members to arrange a visit for our Yr4 students, a fantastic opportunity to see how the Brunei Government is run. There have also been planning meetings with the Malay Technology Museum, the Belait Museum, Energy Hub and the Kota Batu Archaeological Park. Such discussions will lead to even more hands-on learning experiences for students across Primary.
In addition, there have also been exciting plans put in place with the Ministry of Defence to implement a jungle survival experience and we have been in consultation with the Heritage Rubber Plantation to explore future opportunities. The work doesn't stop in Bandar. There have also been bespoke Brunei History and Culture lessons delivered in our sister campus at ISB Seria. This series of learning focussed on how Brunei was founded in the 12th century.
As part of her recently work, DK Honey has also shared a series of fascinating resources with students, staff and the ISB community.
This first short film takes a look at the opening of the Grand Mosque and marks the 53rd anniversary of the change of name of Bandar Town to Bandar Seri Begawan.
This second video features the inaugural speech by HIS MAJESTY SULTAN HAJI HASSANAL BOLKIAH MU’IZZADDIN WADDAULAH IBNI AL-MARHUM SULTAN HAJI OMAR ‘ALI SAIFUDDIEN SA’ADUL KHAIRI WADDIEN, SULTAN AND YANG DI-PERTUAN OF NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM and also details the official naming of the Temburong Bridge. Both fascinating insights into Brunei History and Culture.
In case you missed out the first time, you may also want to look back at a previous series of original resources we made to showcase the history of Kampong Ayer, the history of ISB and National Day celebrations. The full series is available using the link below.
Look out for more updates as the year progresses into what will be ISB's 60th anniversary year. 6️⃣ 0️⃣ 🥳
New House Challenge 🔵 🔴 🟡 🟢
Our amazing House Captains have challenged the ISB community to read a book in an unusual way or in an interesting location. There are 5 House Points on offer to students who post photos into their Seesaw journals. We can't wait to see what ideas you come up with. Are you in?
Parent Workshop 👥
During the latest in a series of parent workshops, Ms Vikki delivered an insightful presentation to parents entitled Early Years Explained: What is my child learning? The workshop was followed by a stay-and-play which is a wonderful way to experience first hand the power of our Early Years provision. The presentation explored key concepts such as why learning is more than the simple ABC and 123. There was a focus on why language development and vocabulary play such an important role in a child's development alongside moving to music, listening to stories and making sounds. Information was also shared relating to listening, attention, speaking and understanding as well as an insight into how we speak to narrate.
Other themes that were explored included Number Sense and writing. Noticing, sorting, classifying, measuring capacity, shape & space, problem solving and positional language are all important aspects of developing the ability to understand numbers and the relationship between numbers. There was also information shared about subitising, the ability to 'see' a small amount of objects and know how many there are without counting.
Ms Vikki also shared that when a child is forced to use a 'proper' pencil grasp before the shoulder and arm muscles are ready to support it, you may find fine motor problems emerging, such as holding the pencil in 'weird' ways, messy work and even avoidance of drawing and colouring tasks. The building block necessary form pre-writing were also shared alongside information relating to gross and fine motor skills.
The personal, social and emotional aspects of a child's development were also explored and a number of new songs were practiced. A huge thank you to Ms Vikki for presenting an insightful and engaging parent workshop. The contents of the talk perfectly demonstrated the skills, experience and expertise across the entire PreK and Kindy teams.
It's been a busy week... 🤩
This week Year 6 have been looking at the order of operations in Maths, Year 5 have been experimenting with water resistance, Year 4 have taken their Maths learning outside, Year 3 have made creations using fruit, Year 2 have been writing postcards, Year 1 have excelled in Phonics, Reception have been identifying the S.A.T.P.I.N sounds in their writing, Kindy have created snow with recycled shredded paper and Pre Kindy have been chopping and eating delicious fruit.
If you would like more detailed information relating to anything referenced in this message, please do not hesitate to message in Seesaw.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary