And with that, the first half term of the school year is done. We are incredibly proud of the entire ISB community, the attainment, progress and achievement over the last nine weeks has been phenomenal.
I would like to thank parents for the positive feedback following the Parent - Teacher Consultations. It is clear that parents found the notes really useful and gained good insights into how their child is getting on at school. Class teachers successfully shared with parents how their child gets on well with others and parents left with a clear understanding of how their child is progressing, both socially and academically. Continuing to nurture a positive home-school partnership is really important and parents told us through their feedback that they have a very good understanding of their child's next steps and how to help at home. With a 96%+ turnout for the event, I was really pleased to see that parents rated their overall experience as 4.82 out of a possible 5 ⭐️.
We are always looking at ways to share more of what we do in school with parents. If there was something referred to during the meeting with your child's teacher, please click below to find out even more...
Although it may be more directly appropriate for our upper primary parents and above, I would like us as one ISB community to pause and reflect on today's rapidly changing digital landscape. As referenced in the OECD 2019 report 'What we know about children and technology' - we can confidently state that we are more connected than ever before. Many children have access to tablets and smartphones before they learn to walk and talk.
It is important that as parents we understand how digital citizenship is shaping our children's online experiences. Over the coming weeks, ISB will be sharing several ‘Parent Need to Know’ infographics on different apps/games popular with our students. The aim of these is to foster a collaborative approach between ISB and parents by providing practical guidance. We hope this information will allow parents to be more informed and allow you to engage in meaningful conversations with your child about their online lives.
Digital citizenship emphasises responsible and ethical technology use, particularly on the internet and social media, and we would like to work together to ensure that your child is informed, makes responsible choices and understands the ethics, safety, and privacy concerns of the digital world. If you want to deep dive into digital citizenship, please do follow the link below for useful video content and also parent information sheets relating to Minecraft, Roblox and TikTok. We will continue to share more content through this page as the year progresses.
Barvember is back!
As we return to school after this break, November will soon be upon us. One of my personal highlights of the school year is Barvember. Throughout the month of November, we will be taking part in a series of Maths challenges: 'Barvember'. Barvember makes reference to Bar Modelling. The bar model is used to support children in problem solving.
Each day throughout November, we will be posting a new set of challenges (and answers) in Seesaw.
Parent Workshops 👥
As we head into the new term, we have a series of Parent Workshops planned. The first of which will take a look at how children learn. This session will take a deeper look into the importance of students experiencing success, biologically primary and secondary knowledge, cognitive load theory, long and short term memory, explicit teaching, problem solving and attention. I will be hosting this workshop in the newly renovated theatre, date to be confirmed.

We are always looking for ways to improve our practice. As the graphic shows, without effective feedback, what we are doing merely becomes more permanent. It is only with your feedback that we can continue to improve. Incidentally, we take this same ethos into every classroom and recognise the power of our own feedback on the attainment, progress and achievement of every child in our care.
If you have any comments, questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to message in Seesaw.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to campus on Monday 30th October.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary