Welcome back to a new school year. We're excited to see both returning and new families join us for another fantastic year of learning and growth. Here's to a year filled with new opportunities, exciting challenges, and memorable experiences for everyone.
The school day ⏰
For the new academic year, we have made a slight adjustment to the start of the school day. Staff will be on duty in the playgrounds at 7am and students will be expected to enter classes at 7:20am. For Pre Kindy, Kindy & Reception, please refer to the information shared within the useful links in Seesaw as this does differ slightly.
The barrier for cars will continue to lift at 6:45am each morning to allow for drop off. At the end of the school day, we ask that parents please collect all students on time as we have no additional childcare provision in place for those not picked up from school.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 students must be collected by an adult from the external doors at 1:45pm (Monday to Thursday). Please note that older siblings are not permitted to collect. Students in Year 3 to Year 6 will be released by their teachers at 1:45pm and can be collected from campus. On a Friday, we continue to operate a 'drive-thorugh' pick up at 11:15am for all students. For those with Secondary siblings, we also facilitate an 11:45am collection.
At the end of the school day, the canteen area is available for parents and students to wait for older (Secondary) siblings. We ask that students wait here and do not access any other areas of the campus. It is also not permitted to use BYOD devices in the canteen area after school, we would much rather see conversations taking place. After school, there is general supervision in place, but we ask that parents and guardians ensure the safety and wellbeing of their children during these times.
We will continue to run the Green and Pink Car Pass system to ensure Primary parents can access the campus at the correct times. For full details please click here.
Pre Kindy and Kindy refer to presentations saved in Seesaw under useful links.
Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs) are scheduled to begin in Week 3. Therefore, there will be no ECAs for the first couple of weeks of the new term. Please ensure arrangements are in place to collect your child on time.
Communication 💬
Seesaw is the single central system for all communication in Primary. When logged in as a parent, you will see useful links pinned to the top of your timeline with access to:
Timetables and schedules
PE/Swim activity rotations
Events calendar
Canteen order form
House Points
And much more...
All messages to parents will be sent through Seesaw messages. Parents also receive an email notification each time there is new information posted. We ask that parents do not repost messages into other forums as this just complicates things and we find that most queries are caused by confusion after reading reposted messages. We will ensure that only the correct messages are posted to the right families, meaning communication will be efficient and effective. If you are ever unsure, please just reply privately to any one of my messages in Seesaw and I will be happy to assist you.
So far each student should be in just one class, this is their main class for the school year. Once the term begins, we will also add Seesaw classes for MFL, PE, Music and other events such as ECAs and school trips. For more information about the different classes, please click here.
We ask that all parents please use their parent login for Seesaw. New student logins will be shared soon. To see the difference between parent and student logins for Seesaw, please click here.
School Uniform 👕
We ask that all students attend school each day in full uniform. On PE and swimming days, students in Year 1 to Year 6 are requested to come to school in their PE kit. Students are also permitted to wear their house shirts on these days. There will be an opportunity to order new house shirts within the first couple of weeks of school. We will post house colours into Seesaw for new students. For Pre Kindy, Kindy and Reception, please refer to the information shared in Seesaw through the useful links.
Student Devices (Yr5 & Yr6) 💻
Students in Year 6 are requested to bring their laptop to school each day, there is no change from last year.
Students in Year 5 will not require any devices until January 2025 as previously communicated. Students in Year 5 will require an iPad from January 2025 and we have posted full details here for all parents. If you have any questions about our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) processes, please do not hesitate to message me in Seesaw.
Please be reminded that mobile phones are not permitted at any time in Primary. We know that some older students will have a phone (switched off) in their bag for use after school when contacting parents. What we ask is that all phones remain out of sight and unused during the day. Devices of any kind are not permitted before, during or after school anywhere on campus. This is really important for safeguarding but also plays a vital role in the general positive atmosphere on campus, with students engaging in conversation and not glued to a screen. Thank you for your support with this.
Canteen Orders 🍲
Please be reminded that pre orders for canteen food can be made using the link pinned to the top of Seesaw. Year 5 and Year 6 students are permitted to purchase from the canteen at lunchtimes. At all other times (ie snack time) the order form must be used.
Key Priorities: The year ahead
Each year, we continue our programme of school improvement, targeting specific areas to ensure we offer the very best education for all students. This year, we will have a particular focus on Oracy, Learning Foundations, History & Geography, Metacognition & Self-Regulation and Brunei History & Culture. You can read more about our key priorities here.
A Busy Year Ahead... 🤩
ISB is an incredibly busy place, with so much going on. We have put together a What's On Calendar available through the Useful Links in Seesaw.

🗓️ Monday 19th August: First day of school
🗓️ Wednesday 4th September: House Challenge Day
🗓️ Monday 16th September: Public Holiday (TBC)
🗓️ Monday 23rd September: Public Holiday (TBC)
🗓️ Friday 27th September: International Day
🗓️ Tuesday 8th October: Parent - Teacher Consultations
🗓️ Wednesday 9th October: Parent - Teacher Consultations
🗓️ Monday 14th October - Friday 18th October: Half Term Break
If you have any questions about any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to message in Seesaw. I look forward to welcoming you on Monday 19th August.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary